Aalto Electronics-ICT refers to research facilities of Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering at Maarintie 8 building. Research and education is carried out in the fields of electromagnetics and material studies, electronic circuit design and microelectronics, radio science and engineering, and space science and technology. Correspondingly, our facilities for experimental work are divided into three sections:
1) Antenna Characterization
- Anechoic chamber for 2-60 GHz and two near-field scanners.
2) Electronics Test Facilities
- Measurement devices for radio engineering and for IC characterization.
3) Space Research and Satellite Projects
- Facilities for nanosatellite missions.
Aalto personnel with existing AELICT access rights at Maarintie 8 will be granted corresponding device booking rights. Your booking rights can only be updated after you have logged on the system with your Aalto account. Please send an e-mail notification to infra-admin Matti Vaaja (matti.vaaja@aalto.fi) to update your rights once you have done so.
AELICT is also available to external users, please contact infra-admin for information on terms and conditions. Current fees for each device are listed under device info.
Contact Information
AELICT infra-admin: Matti Vaaja, matti.vaaja@aalto.fi, +358 50 430 1337
Antenna Characterization (3 pcs)
Facilities for antenna characterization.
Electronics Test Facilities (1 pcs)
Measurement devices for radio engineering and for IC characterization.
Space Research and Satellite Projects
Facilities for nanosatellite missions.
You do not currently have access to any of the resources in this group.