Particle characterization in engineering involves analyzing the physical and chemical properties of particles, such as size, shape, composition, and surface area. It is crucial in industries like pharmaceuticals and materials science. Techniques include microscopy, laser diffraction, and surface area analysis, providing valuable information for process optimization and product quality improvement.
Dynamic Light Scattering (1 pcs)
Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) is a technique used measuring the size and size distribution of particles in a suspension or solution. It works by analyzing the fluctuations in the scattered light caused by the Brownian motion of particles, providing valuable information about their hydrodynamic diameter and polydispersity.
Laser Diffraction (1 pcs)
Laser diffraction is a widely used technique for particle characterization, providing information about the size distribution of particles in a sample. It involves passing a laser beam through the sample and analyzing the resulting diffraction pattern, allowing for the calculation of particle size based on the angles and intensities of the scattered light.
Particle size (1 pcs)