The BET (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller) method is a widely employed technique in particle characterization for determining the specific surface area of porous materials. It is based on the physical adsorption of gas molecules onto the sample surface, and by analyzing the amount of adsorbed gas at different pressures, the surface area can be calculated using the BET equation. The BET method provides valuable insights into the porosity, texture, and surface properties of materials, making it essential in fields such as catalyst development, pharmaceuticals, and materials science.

Microtrac BELPrep Vac II Pre-Treatment Station for Microtrac BELsorp Mini II (Station One)
Capacity: 1 persons
Status: Available
Microtrac BELPrep Vac II Pre-Treatment Station for Microtrac BELsorp Mini II (Station Two)
Capacity: 1 persons
Status: Available
Microtrac BELsorp Mini II
Capacity: 1 persons
Status: Available
Thermo Scientific Surfer - KT1-E425
Capacity: 1 persons
Status: Available
Micromeritics TriStar II 3020 VMT1
Capacity: 1 persons
Status: Available