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Battery Testing
Electrochemical Equipment
Elemental Analysis
Furnaces and Ovens
High Pressure Equipment
Measurement of Physical Properties
Mechanical Testing
Melt Processing
Other equipment
Particle Characterization
Reactor Systems
Separation/Grinding Techniques
Special Lab Spaces
Surface Properties
Thermal Characterization
Thin Film Characterization
Thin Film Deposition
Upstream and Downstream Processing
X-Ray Methods
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Battery Testing
Testing Stations
Cell and Molecular Biology
BD FACSAria III - KT1-D333a
Biotek Cytation Reader 3 - KT1-D440
Biotek Eon Microplate Spectrophotometer
Biotek Synergy H1 Microplate Reader - KT1-D440
Eppendorf Mastercycler Nexus FITX5 - KT1-D436a
Eppendorf Mastercycler Nexus FITX5 - KT1-D436d
Eppendorf Mastercycler Nexus FITX5 - KT1-D440
Eppendorf Mastercycler Nexus GX2 - KT1-C305
Brain Stimulation and Measurements
Brain Measurement
NeurOne Tesla MRI 80-channel EEG - NBE
Brain Stimulation
6-channel mTMS - NBE
BOSS - Brain Oscillation Synchronized Stimulation - NBE
Field and Pulse Characterization
Rogowski Transducer CWT60 - NBE
TMS Electric Field Characterizer - NBE
Movement Tracking and Automation
3D Scanner
3D camera Matterport Pro2 - i3
3D detection sensor Sick 3D Visionary-T DT - i3
3D Scanner - i3
3D scanner Artec Leo - i3
3D scanner Zeb -Revo - i3
Handheld 3D scanner DotProduct DPI-7 - i3
Laser scanner Faro Focus 3D - i3
Laser scanner Leica RTC360 - i3
Laser scanner Velodyne VLP-16 - i3
Leica ScanStation P40 - i3
3D camera Matterport Pro
Action camera Insta 360 Pro 8K
Canon20D+X-loupeMGP4_PLUS - i3
DJI OSMO Action Pole mountable camera - i3
Industrial camera FLIR Blackfly S Color 5MP (4 kpl) - i3
TIS USB3 / Ethernet industrial cameras and objectives
Digital Cameras
Canon EOS 60D - PHYS
Canon EOS 90D - PHYS
Canon MP-E 65mm Macro - PHYS
Sigma 105mm Macro - PHYS
High Speed Cameras
Phantom Miro - PHYS SMW
Phantom v1610 - PHYS SMW
Phantom v2012 High speed camera - i3
Photron Fastcam APX-RS - PHYS Active Matter
Photron FastCam SA-Z 2100K high speed camera - i3
RPI High Speed Camera System
Spectral camera
Hyperspectral camera Specim IQ Spectral
Spectral camera Micasense RedEdge MX
Thermal camera
FLIR SC7000 - i3
Thermal camera FLIR E6
Capillary Electrophoresis
Agilent 7100 CE (Cesilia)
Agilent 7100 CE (Seppo)
Gas Chromatographs / Mass Spectrometry
Agilent 6890 FID - KT1 D329
Agilent 6890 FID - KT1 F309 valves
Agilent 7890 FID - D402
Agilent 7890 FID NPD - D402
Perkin Elmer, Clarus 580, Clarus 600T - i3
Remote Computer for Processing the GC-MS Results
Shimadzu GC-MS - VMT1
Shimadzu GC-MS with Optic 4 - KT1
Shimadzu GC2010 FID - KT1 D402
Shimadzu GC2010 FID - VMT1
Ion Chromatographs / Mass Spectrometry
Amino Acid Analyzer - KT1-D329
Dionex ICS-1500 - VMT1 313
Dionex ICS5000 - VMT1 313
Liquid Chromatographs / Mass Spectrometry
Agilent 1260 infinity HPLC DAD ELSD - D402
Agilent HPLC 1260 - C340
Agilent HPLC-QTOF - D402
Bruker Amazon Speed ETD - D410
Bruker Maldi TOFF - D410
Dionex nano UHPLC 3000 - D410
Dionex Ultimate 3000 HPLC - VMT1 313
Shimadzu HPLC - LUMA
Thermo Fisher Scientific Ultimate 3000
Thermo Scientific ISQ EC ESI-MS - C340
Thermo Scientific Vanquish UHPLC - D402
Waters 2690 Sirkku
Preparative Chromatographs
Shimadzu Preppis
ÄKTA go New
Äkta purifier new - KT1-D435
Size Exclusion Chromatographs / MALLS
Agilent GPC lignin - E419
Agilent Multidetector GPC - E419
Dionex UltiMate HPLC 3000 SEC for Cellulos - VMT1 313
Waters GPC system RI/MALLS - E419
Thermal Desorption
TDS - i3
Thin layer chromatography
Latroscan MK-6, IP469 (standard) - i3
Data processing computers
Active Matter - D21-0326
Electrochemical Equipment
Impedance spectrometers
Ivium Vertex Potentiostat 1 Student Labs - ICe CuBe (B103)
Ivium Vertex Potentiostat 2 Student Labs - ICe CuBe (B103)
Antenna Characterization
Microwave Anechoic Chamber - AEL-ICT
Planar Near-Field Scanner - AEL-ICT
StarLab 6 GHz - AEL-ICT
Electronics Test Facilities
MilliLab Probe Station - AELICT
Space Research and Satellite Projects
Elemental Analysis
Elemental Analyzer
Shimadzu TOC-VCPH
TE Intruments AOX Analyzer XPLORER
Thermo Flash Smart CHNSO Elemental Analyzer
XRF elemental analyzer
Gas analysis
Gas analyzer Cubic-Ruivi
GASERA One Pulse - i3
Gasmet DX4000 FTIR
GT5000 Terra gas analyzer
Hydrogen analysis
HydrogenAnalyser - i3
Furnaces and Ovens
BIO Ovens
Binder BIO 5
Binder BIO 7 (37°C)
DRY-Line BIO 3
FisherBrand (50°C)
Heraeus BIO 10 (37°C)
Heraeus BIO 4 (28°C)
Heraeus BIO 9 (30°C)
Memmert (30°C; only Komagataeibacter)
Memmert BIO 1 (25°C)
Memmert BIO 2 (37°C)
Memmert BIO 8
Termark BIO 6 (60°C for agarose gel bottles)
Box/Chamber/Muffle/Pit Furnaces
Box Furnace Advantec FUH622PA (M7)
Box Furnace Carbolite CWF13/5 (M8)
Box Furnace Koyo KBF894M (M6)
Box Furnace Nabertherm L3/12/P330 (M2)
Box Furnace Nabertherm L5/11/B180 (M9)
Box Furnace Nabertherm L5/12/C6 (M030)
Box Furnace Scandia-ovnen K4/PDI 40 (M016)
Carbolite HRF 7/22 - i3
Chamber Furnace Lenton AWF 12/25 (007)
Chamber Furnace Lenton UAF 16/10 (025)
Chamber Furnace Nabertherm HTC 08/16 (020)
Chamber Furnace Nabertherm N7/H (023)
Drying furnace
Electrolux AR 170 S - i3
Henrik Fogl Aktiebolag
Hood furnace
Instrumat heat cabin
K4Laboratory furnace
Laboratory furnaces
Lenton - i3
Linntherm KS13
Muffle Furnace Naber L51/S
Muffle Furnace Selecta Horn
Nabertherm High Temp Furnace Catalysis KT1-E214
Nabertherm L5 - i3
Nabertherm NR 40/11
Pit Furnace Entech EPF 150/17 (013)
Resistance furnace
Sarlin 750 - i3
Sarlin KU111
Thermalizer ATV Technologie PEO 601
TPS Tenney
Electrolux Steam Oven Air-O-Steam
Fratelli Galli G-Cell
Hydrothermal Oven Memmert 100-800 (1)
Hydrothermal Oven Memmert 200 (3) for Drying Glassware for ALD
Hydrothermal Oven Memmert 200 (4) for Long-Term Hot/Dry Storage
Hydrothermal Oven Memmert 400 (2)
Memmert Hot Cabinet (56) for Dry Storage at 100°C
Vacuum drying oven 1 - PHYS MOLMAT
Vacuum drying oven 2 - PHYS MOLMAT
Vacuum Drying Oven Binder VD 53
Vacuum Drying Oven Thermo Scientific HERAEUS VT 6025 VMT1-313 (Oven 2)
Vacuum Drying Oven Thermo Scientific VACUTHERM VT 6025 VMT1-259 ABio
Vacuum Drying Oven Thermo Scientific VACUTHERM VT 6025 VMT1-313 (Oven 1)
Vacuum Oven Heraeus 56.217
Vacuum Oven Salvis KVTS 11 - CMET KT1-E422
Tube Furnaces
NBD Tube Furnace NBD-O1200-50IC
Thermo Balance Furnace Heraeus (036)
Tube Furnace Carbolite SPF16/180 (P4)
Tube Furnace Entech ETF 50-175 V (040)
Tube Furnace Entech ETF 50-70/15-S (034)
Tube Furnace Heraeus (027)
Tube Furnace Koyo 2002 (P7)
Tube Furnace KT1-D407 Left Catalyst Characterisation
Tube Furnace KT1-D407 Right Catalyst Characterisation
Tube Furnace Lenton CSC12/450H (005)
Tube Furnace Lenton CSC12/450H (046)
Tube Furnace Lenton CSC12/450V (049)
Tube Furnace Lenton CSC12/450V (052)
Tube Furnace Lenton CSC12/600H (045)
Tube Furnace Lenton CSC12/600H (050)
Tube Furnace Lenton CSC12/600H (054)
Tube Furnace Lenton CSC12/600V (056)
Tube Furnace Lenton LHA12/300 (011)
Tube Furnace Lenton LTF12/50/300 (044)
Tube Furnace Lenton LTF12/50/300 (047)
Tube Furnace Lenton LTF12/50/300 (051)
Tube Furnace Lenton LTF12/50/300 (055)
Tube Furnace Lenton LTF12/50/300 (057)
Tube Furnace Lenton LTF12/50/300 (058)
Tube Furnace Lenton LTF12/50/610 (048)
Tube Furnace Lenton LTF16/450 (009)
Tube Furnace Lenton LTF16/450 (010)
Tube Furnace Lenton LTF16/450 (012)
Tube Furnace Lenton LTF16/450 (042)
Tube Furnace Lenton LTF16/450 (059)
Tube Furnace Lenton LTF16/610 (053)
Tube Furnace Lenton PTF15/450 (008)
Tube Furnace Nabertherm HTRH 100-300-16 (P9)
Tube Furnace Nabertherm R50 - Pyrolysis - KT1-E436
Tube Furnace Nabertherm R50/250/12 KT1-B227a (P2)
Tube Furnace Nabertherm R70/9 (P5)
Tube Furnace Nabertherm RHTH 80-300/16
Tube Furnace Nabertherm RHTV 120-150/18 (001)
Tube Furnace Nabertherm RHTV 40-250/18 (004)
Tube Furnace Nabertherm RS80/300/13 (P8)
Tube Furnace Nabertherm RS80/500/11 (P6)
Tube Furnace Nabertherm RT50/250/11-P320 (P1)
High Pressure Equipment
Hydraulic pressure source
Riken-Seiki High Pressure Device (Lili)
Voggenreiter High Pressure Device (Sven)
Laboratory Press
Fontijne LabTop 300
Vakomet KRO-260
Spark Plasma Sintering
Kide Laboratories
Autoclaves (PHYS AM)
Autoclave 1, Tuttnauer 3850ELPV-D - PHYS AM
Autoclave 2 - PHYS AM
Cell and Molecular Biology
Cell culture rooms
Cell culture lab 1 - PHYS AM
Cell culture lab 2 - PHYS AM
Cell culture lab 3 - PHYS AM
LTL devices
SQUID Magnetometer (MPMS-7)
THz spectrometer
14T Cryostat
NEMS BlueFors
NEMS Leiden
Pico 1
Pico 2
Pico 7
Pico 8
Pico Dry
Pico Izar
CVD Reactor
E-Beam Evaporator
Electronics Workshop
Glovebox and Automated Transfer Setup
IR heating system MILA-5000
LTL Cleanroom
Probe Station
SEM and E-beam lithography
Transfer and Stamping Setup
Wire Bonder
OMAX ProtoMAX Waterjet Cutter
3D Systems Projet MJP 3600W
EOS M290
Formlabs Fuse1+ 30W 3Dprinter
Liguid Crystal Magna resin 3D printer
Diener Surface Plasma Cleaner Pico
GT Sonic 9L
Nilfisk MC 3C-170/820 & cleaning chamber
ICT equipment1
ICT equipment2
Arboga2 - i3
Arboga3 - i3
SerrMac TCS-40 - i3
Shibuya TS-090
Hydraulic press
Hydraulic Press - i3
Induction heating
Hüttinger Truheat MF 5040 - i3
Mesdan Lab knitter 294E
16K20 Lathe - i3
6P82 Milling machine - i3
6P82_2 - i3
6T75 Milling machine - i3
Abene HF-360 - i3
Bantam Tools Desktop PCB Milling Machine
Bridgeport - i3
Brother HS-70A - i3
Colchester 5x20 Chipmaster - i3
Colchester Mascot 1600 - i3
Enrique Holke - i3
Foredom Flex
Kellenberg - i3
Matsuura MX-520 - i3
Mazak FH-480 - i3
Meuser - i3
Okamoto - i3
Okuma LB-15 - i3
Optimum D420 x 1000 DPA
Optimum Opti MF-4 Vario
Pinacho S 90/180 - i3
Robofil 440 - i3
Russian lathe
Sajo VFR-52M - i3
Schaublin 135
Somatec GEM-500G-II
TOS SN 40 C - i3
Tos Trensin SN 63C
Material mixer
Eirich R08W
Hobart A200
Hobart N50
Kneader IKA HKD T-06
Metos Karhu
Metos Karhu 20
Pemat ZZ 75HE
Sicoma MP75-50
Triton TS2
Material Printing
CELLINK Bioprinter BIO X
Dimatix Materials Printer DMP-2831
Pulp and Paper Making
Air Press and Hot Press
Flat Screen G.A. Serlachius Mänttä
K-Control Coater Model 202
Ozone Generator Wedeco GSO 30
PFI-Mill No. 60
Refiner Voith LR40
Sheet Mold Lorentzen & Wettre FI 101
Valley Beater Lorentzen & Wettre 16140
Fanuc LR Mate 200iD 4s - i3
Arboga - i3
BMSY 320GL - i3
Bomar1 - i3
Bomar2 - i3
Buehler Isomet Pro
Fuhrer + Bachmann
Norton Clipper CM 401
Pehaka USF 4 PRYM - i3
Shell maker
VATech Shellroom equipment
6 L Reactor for Preparing Ionic Liquid
Batch Fibre Washing Machine
Continuous Filament Washing Machine
Filtration Unit Large
Filtration Unit Mini
Filtration Unit Small
Kneader Large
Kneader Small
KS15 Spinning Line
KS42/KS80 Dry-Jet Wet Spinning Line
Laboratory Carding Machine Lab 337A
Laboratory Yarn Spinning Machine
Stiro Roving Lab 3371
Thin-Film Evaporator Plant UIC RF10
Trash Analyzer Mesdan s.p.a. 281C
Surface treatment
Blastmaster PB100 - i3
Vacuum handling
Eurovacuum - i3
Wax manipulation
Wax injection
Welding machines
ESAB2 - i3
ESAB3 - i3
ESAB4 - i3
ESAB6 - i3
KemecWeld1 - i3
KemecWeld2 - i3
Kemppi 2 - i3
KUKA KR 5-2 arc HW + Fronius TransPuls Synergic 5000 CMT MIG/MAG - i3
Oxy/Acetylene cutting - i3
PEMA -500 SK - i3
Tecna - i3
Varestraint - i3
Measurement of Physical Properties
Anton Paar Densimeter DMA 5000 M
Anton Paar High Pressure Densimeter
Instrotek Corelok
Doppler Anemometer
Electric IV measurement
Helmholtz coil and electric IV measurements - PHYS Active Matter
Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect
Micropipette force sensors
MFS calibration - PHYS Living Matter
MFS manufacturing - PHYS Living Matter
Nanomechanical Test Instruments
Paper Testing
Bending Tester Lorentzen & Wettre SE 160
Bendtsen Paper Roughness and Air Permeability Tester Lorentzen & Wettre SE 114
Beta Formation Tester Ambertec BFT-1
Cobb Unger Oil Absorbancy Ernst Wolff - Genzien PSP
Cobb Water Absorbency Lorentzen & Wettre BK Cobb
Gloss Tester Lorentzen & Wettre SE 224
Internal Bond Tester Huygen Corp. H411
Optitopo Lorentzen & Wettre Code 269
Porosity Tester Gurley-Hill SPS
PPS Parker Print-Surf Roughness Tester Lorentzen & Wettre SE 115
Short Span Compression Tester Messmer Büchel K455
Spectrophotometer Elrepho Lorentzen & Wettre SE 070
Spectrophotometer GretagMacbeth Spectrolino
Static and Dynamic Friction Tester PAAR RWP
Tearing Tester Lorentzen & Wettre SE 009
Tensile and Compression Testing Machine MTS 400
Tensile Tester with Fracture Toughness Lorentzen & Wettre SE 064
Thickness Tester Lorentzen & Wettre SE 250 D
Water Retention Meter ÅA-GWR
Zero Span Tester Pulmac Z-Span 1000
Mocon Oxtran 2/22 L Oxygen Permeability Analyzer
Mocon Permatran W 3/34 Water Vapor Permeability Analyzer
Simpson absolute permmeter 42105
Phase Equilibrium
Circulation Still by TKK
Continuous Flow Apparatus by Aalto
Variable Volume Cell by Aalto
VLLE-Cell by Aalto
Physical Property Measurement System
Dynacool PPMS - PHYS NanoSpin
PPMS DynaCool
Rudolph Reseach Analytical Polarimeter Autopol IV
Polymer Testing
Ceast Modular Flow Index
Whitelight Bruker ContourGT K-M - i3
Anton Paar Abbemat 300 refractometer
Anton Paar MCR 302
Anton Paar Peltier Hood H-PTD 200 for MCR302
Anton Paar Physica MCR 301 - KT1
Anton Paar Physica MCR 302 1 - VMT1
Anton Paar Physica MCR 302 2 - VMT1
Brookfield rheometer DV3T
Brookfield Viscometer DV2T-RV
Netzsch Rosand RH7 Capillary Rheometer
Tamson 2
Tamson Labovisco
Viscosity and Kappa number of pulp - VMT1 room 143
Viscosity and Kappa number of pulp Student Lab
Precisa EP 225 SM-DR
Specific surface area
Horiba SA-9600
Spin Wave Spectroscopy
Broadband spin wave spectroscope - PHYS NanoSpin
Temperature measurement
Dias DSR10NVpyrometer
DIAS Pyrotherm CS 500
Temperature measurement
Textile Testing
Anton Paar Porometer 3G micro
Electrolux FOM71 MP LAB
Elmendorf Tear Tester
James Heal TruFade 1800 Light Fastness Tester
Linitest Original Hanau
Nu-Martindale Model 403 Abrasion and Pilling Tester
Testex TD122 Laboratory Padder
Testex TD130 Infrared Lab Dyeing System
Testex TF411 Electronic Crockmeter
Testex TF415D Scorch / Sublimation Tester
Testex TF416 Perspiration Tester
Testex TF418E Washing Fastness Tester
Thermal conductivity
C-Therm Tci
Thermal Properties
Hot Disk TPS2500 Transient Plane Source
Wood Testing
Mechanical Testing
3-Axial testing
3-axial equipment
3-axial equipment2
Fibre Testing
Lenzing Instruments Vibroskop 400 and Vibrodyn 400
Textechno Herbert Stein Favigraph
Hardness and Impact Testing
ATS Faar Shore Hardness
Brickers 220 - i3
CSM micro-combitester - i3
Stures Duramin 40 hardness tester
SwissMax 300 - i3
Zwick Pendulum Type Impact Tester
Texture Analysis
Stable Micro Systems TA.XTplus
Universal Testing Machines
DEBEN Microtest - i3
Instron 68TM-5 mechanical tester - PHYS Molmat
Morek Multiserw LRU-2e
MTS 810 100kN
MTS 810 7
MTS 810 materials testing system 1 - i3
MTS 810 materials testing system 2 - i3
MTS 815
MTS 858 materials testing system - i3
MTS Insight 1 - i3
MTS Insight 2 - i3
MTS Landmark
RK 250/50
Toni 5 MN
Universal Tester Instron 4204
Universal Tester Instron 5944
Zwick MTS 1475
Zwick Z020 materials testing system - i3
Melt Processing
Labtech Extruder LTE 20-44
Xplore Instruments Micro Compounder 15 ml High Torque: MC 15 HT
Xplore Instruments Midi Extruder (Twin-Screw Micro-Compounder)
Flowability testing
Injection Molding
Xplore Instruments Babyplast 6/12 Standard
Lab Press
Fontijne TP 400
Micronova laboratories
Micronova lab zone M
Lab zone M1
Lab zone M2
Lab zone M3
Lab zone M4
Lab zone M5
Lab zone M6
Micronova lab zone N
Lab zone N1
Lab zone N2
Lab zone N3
Lab zone N4
Atomic Force Microscopes
Bruker MultiMode 8 AFM
JPK-Bruker NanoWizard IV XP BioScience Bio-AFM
Veeco Dimension 5000 - NMC
Optical Microscopes
Active Matter: 3. Nikon Ti2: Holography & Optical Tweezers – PHYS
Active Matter: 4. Rheomicroscope - PHYS
Active Matter: 1. Nikon Ti-E SD confocal with TIRF and FRAP - PHYS
Active Matter: 5. Electrohydrodynamics with Zeiss Axio Observer Z1 – PHYS
Active Matter: 6. Leica DMI6000 & Electrometer – PHYS
CLSM Leica DMRXE with a TCS SP2 unit
Leica 1090 - NMC
Leica DM2700M
Leica DM4 P - PHYS
Leica DM750
Olympus BH-2
Olympus BX53M
Olympus SZX10
Wild Makroskop M420 - i3
Zeiss Axio Observer Z1 inverted microscope - PHYS Active Matter
Zeiss Axio Scope.A1
Zeiss Axio Vert A1 Inverted Microscope
ZEISS Axio Vert.A1
Zeiss Axio with Heating Stage
Zeiss Stemi 508 macroscope
Sample Preparation
Buehler Vibromet 2 - i3
JEOL Ion Beam Cryo Cross Section Polisher
LectroPol 5 electrolytic polishing - i3
Leica 125 Ultracut Microtome with cryo option - NMC
Leica EM UC7 Ultramicrotome - NMC
N114 Sample preparation laboratory - NMC
N130 Sample preparation laboratory - NMC
Nahita Microtome ZFP-011
Quorum Technologies Q 150 R Sputter Coater
Struers Labopol 21 - i3
Struers Labopol 5 - i3
Struers ProntoPress 20 - i3
Struers Tegramin 20 - i3
WSL Microtome
Scanning Electron Microscopes
FEI Quanta 450 - i3
JEOL JSM-7500FA (Analytical high-resolution SEM) - NMC
Jeol JSM-IT800HL
Phenom-World Phenom Pure G5 Tabletop SEM
Tescan Mira3
Zeiss Evo HD15 Environmental SEM - NMC
Zeiss Merlin FESEM - i3
Zeiss Sigma VP (Entry-level SEM) - NMC
Zeiss Ultra 55 FESEM - i3
Transmission Electron Microscopes
FEI Tecnai 12 (120 kV TEM) - NMC
FEI Tecnai F20 (200 kV TEM) - NMC
JEOL JEM-2200FS (Cs-corrected HR-TEM) - NMC
JEOL JEM-2800 (Analytical HR-TEM) - NMC
JEOL JEM-3200FSC (Liquid helium cryo-TEM) - NMC
Nonexistent microscope for testing bookings - NMC
Nanotalo Laboratories
Nanotalo lab zone A
Lab zone A1
Lab zone A2
Lab zone A3
Lab zone A4
Lab zone A5
Nanotalo lab zone B
Cell culture room 3 - Mammalian cells
Lab zone B1
Lab zone B2
Lab zone B3
Lab zone B4
Lab zone B5
Nanotalo lab zone C
Lab zone C1
Lab zone C2
Lab zone C3
Lab zone C4
Lab zone C5
Lab zone C6
Lab zone C7
Nanotalo lab zone D
Lab zone D1
Lab zone D2
Nanotalo lab zone E
Lab zone E1
Lab zone E2
Lab zone E3
Lab zone E4
Lab zone E5
Lab zone E6
Lab zone E7
Nanotalo lab zone F
Lab zone F1
Lab zone F2
Lab zone F3
Lab zone F4
Lab zone F5
Lab zone F6
Lab zone F7
Nanotalo lab zone H
Lab zone H1
Lab zone H2
Lab zone H3
Lab zone H4
Otakaari 1 laboratories
Otakaari 1 lab zone O
Lab zone O1
Other equipment
Areal analysis
Plant Canopy Analyzer - i3
Asphalt Mixing
Asphalt mixing equipment
Box shear apparatus
Box shear apparatus
McKenna calibration burner
Environmental Hydraulics Flow Channel (flume)
Cooling systems
Cooling tower
Distance meter
Environmental chamber
BuchiR-205 + B-490
Fryka B35 deep freezer
Bubbling fluidized bed gasifier
Elmasonic P
Gas generators
Laboratory Ozonizer Type 300.5
Ultrasonic Power Multifrequency Generator MFG
Global navigation satellite system receiver
GNSS receiver Leica GS18/CS20
GNSS/IMU Camera add-on & base station 3D Image Vector for terrestrial photography
Hydraulic press
Hydraulic test bench
Laser level
Laser Level Sokkisha LP3A
Towable camera mast
Moisture Analysis
OHAUS Moisture Analyzer MB120
Nondestructive testing
Blueskysea Digital Endoscope
Extech HDV600
Innerspec Volta EMAT
Magnaflux FSM-2
Magnaflux Y-2 AC
Olympus EPOCH 650
Olympus Nortec 600 DNDT
Olympus Omniscan MX
Stresstech XSTRESS 3000 G2
Optical level
Optical Level Sokkosha C40
Optical Level Wild NA20
Plane press with suction
Paul OTT
Pneumatic test bench
ABET Solar Simulator 11002 SunLite
Soil sample analysis
Soil sample analysis
Solar panels
Solar Panels
Tacheometer Leica TCA 2003
Thermal bath
Haake DC-50
Metrohm 712 Conductometric Titrator
Metrohm OMNIS Titrator
TitroLine 7500 KF
Ultrasonic processors
Hielscher UP 400S
Underwater vehicle
Remotely operated underwater vehicle
Universal counter
Agilent 53132A Univeral counter
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
DJI Mavic 2 PRO drone
DJI Phantom 3 PRO drone
Drone ArduCopter 3DR Hexa C-Ready-to-Fly
Drone DJI Phantom 4 Pro+
Drone Skydio R1
Drone Tarot T960
Photocentric CURE L2
Wear resistance
SRK device
Wind turbines
Particle Characterization
Micromeritics TriStar II 3020 VMT1
Dynamic Foam Analysis
Krüss DFA100
Dynamic Light Scattering
Anton Paar Litesizer 500
Malvern Zeta Sizer Nano - ZS
Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS
Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS90
Dynamic Vapor Sorption
Fiber Characterization
Valmet Fiber Image Analyser FS 5
Gas Pycnometry
Quantachrome Ultrapyc 1200e
Laser Diffraction
Coulter LS 230
Malvern Mastersizer 2000 - KT1
Malvern Mastersizer 2000 - VMT1
Malvern Mastersizer 3000
Multiple Light Scattering
Formulaction Turbiscan MA 2000
Particle size
Particle analyzer
Radio Telescope
Radio Telescopes
Reactor Systems
Systec DE 23 Autoclave
Batch Reactors
2 L Büchi Batch Reactor VMT1 ABio Hall
5L reactor
Batch Reactor Autoclave 50 ml KT1-F309f
Batch Reactor Parr 100 ml KT1-F309f
Batch Reactor Parr 50 ml KT1-F309f
CHEM 10-L Reactor
Haato Air Bath Digester
Mini power plant
Parr 500 ml Batch Reactor VMT1 ABIO hall
Wood Impregnation Device
Combustion test plan - i3
Microwave Reactors
Anton Paar Monowave 300 - Microwave synthesis reactor
Polymer Reactors
Separation/Grinding Techniques
Laboratory Flotation Cell Voith Delta 25
Form+Test 3 230 grinder
Fritsch Cutting Mill
Fritsch Pulverisette 6 Ball Mill
Fritsch Pulverisette 9 Vibrating Cup Mill
Retsch MM 400 Mixer Mill (Ball Mill)
Retsch MM 400 Mixer Mill - KT1-C333b
Retsch SM 300 Cutting Mill
Retsch SM 300 Cutting Mill (VMT1)
Wedag Jaw Crusher Type MN 931
Wedag Roll Crusher
Wiley Mill M02
Wiley Mini Mill 475-A
Retsch PT 600 XL Sample Divider
Retsch AS 300 Control Vibratory Sieve Shaker
Scanteknik MR-1, MR-3
Special Lab Spaces
Brain Research Laboratories
C2B laboratory room 1 - mTMS + Optitrack
C2B laboratory room 2 - Nexstim
C2B laboratory room 3 - Magstim
CHEM Laboratory Rooms
Kemistintie 1 F311 Battery lab
Vuorimiehentie 1 233
CHEM Offices
Cold room
Cold room RA4 - i3
Cold roomK4 - i3
Constant air room
Constant air room 45% - i3
Constant air room 65% - i3
Glove Boxes
Etelux Lab 2000 GP20
Jacomex Ar Glove Box
Jacomex Ar Glove Box Large
Piercan Glove Box
VAC Ar Glove Box (Brown)
Radiation Laboratory
Hidex 300 SL Liquid Scintillation Counter
Open Radiation Source Laboratory - CHEM
Test Cabinets
RUMED Climate Chamber 2000 (Large)
RUMED Climate Chamber 2000 (Small)
Suntest CPS+
Uvitec CL-508 UV-Crosslinker 254 nm (UVC)
Uvitec CL-508 UV-Crosslinker 365 nm (UVA)
Test pool
Test pool - i3
Test room
Test room - i3
Metal Workshop VMT1 - CHEM
AAS Spectrometers
Thermo Scientific iCE 3000
CD Spectrometers
JASCO J-1500-150ST
ESR Spectrometers
Magnettech MS5000X
Fluorescence Spectrometers
ICP Spectrometers
Agilent 5900 SVDV ICP-OES
IR Spectrometers
Bruker FTIR ALPHA II - KT1-B227b
Nicolet DRIFTS - KT1-E214
PerkinElmer FTIR with ATR - KT1-E426
PerkinElmer FTIR with ATR - VMT1
Thermo Scientific, Nicolet iS50 FT-IR
MS Spectrometers
NMR Spectrometers
Bruker NMR Spectrometer AV NEO 400 (KT1-C121)
Bruker NMR Spectrometer AV NEO 400 (KT1-D238b)
Bruker NMR Spectrometer AV NEO 600 (KT1-D238b)
Nanalysis NMReady-60PRO
Optical emission spectrometer
Photoluminescence spectrometers
Edinburgh Instruments FLS1000
Raman Spectrometers
Renishaw inVia™ Confocal Raman Microscope
Timegate Instruments PicoRaman
Spectrophotometer Shimadzu UV-VIS 1800
SPR Spectrometers
BioNavis SPR Navi 200
UV Spectrometers
Agilent Cary 60 UV-Vis
Shimadzu UV-1800 VMT1 Room 135
Shimadzu UV-1800 VMT1 Room 234
Shimadzu UV-2550 VMT1 Room 313
Shimadzu UV-2600 with ISR-2600Plus Integrating Sphere Attachment
X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometers
Kratos Analytical AXIS Ultra, with DLD detector
Surface cleaning & activation
Plasma Ovens
Diener Electronic Plasma Chamber PICO-QRCE - PHYS
Surface Properties
Optical Tensiometers
Theta Flex Optical Tensiometer
Quartz Cryst Microbalance w Dissipation Monitoring
Biolin Science Q-Sense E4 VMT1
Biolin Science Q-Sense E4 VMT2
Thermal Characterization
MicroCal Microcalorimeter VP-ITC - KT1-C228
Differential Scanning Calorimetries
Mettler Toledo DSC 3+
Netsch DSC 204 FI Phoenics
Netzsch STA 449 F3 Jupiter & QMS 403 Aëolos Quadro
Netzsch TG-DTA/DSC STA 449 F1 Jupiter - i3
TA Instruments Discovery DSC 250 Auto
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis
Anton Paar MCR 702
TA Instruments DMA Q800
Laser Flash Apparatus
Temperature Programmed Experiments
AMI 200R KT1-E425
Thermal Gravimetric
PerkinElmer Pyris 1 TGA
TA Instruments TGA 5500
Thin Film Characterization
Horiba UVISELPLUS Spectroscopic Ellipsometer
Thin Film Deposition
Atomic Layer Deposition
ALD Reactor DJ
ALD Reactor F
ALD Reactor M
ALD Reactor MC
ALD Reactor R
Chemical Vapor Deposition
CVD Reactor - PHYS
Dip Coating
DIP Coater KSV NIMA - KT1-C137
Pulsed laser deposition
Pulsed laser deposition system - PHYS NanoSpin
PVD for Electrochemical Sensor Research
Spin Coating
Magnetron sputter system - PHYS NanoSpin
Atomic clock - hydrogen maser
Touch screen displays
Touch screen displays
Pen display
Upstream and Downstream Processing
Beckman Coulter Optima Analytical Ultracentrifuge - KT1-D333a
Beckman Coulter Optima L-90K - VMT1 Room 334
Eppendorf 5804 Centrifuge - VMT1 Room 234
Eppendorf 5804R Centrifuge - VMT1 Room 142
Heraeus Multifuge X1R - KT1-C134
Hettich Universal 320 Centrifuge
Sorvall Lynx 4000 Centrifuge
Thermo Fisher Scientific Jouan GR 4.22 Centrifuge - VMT1 Room 142
Thermo Fisher Scientific SL40FR Centrifuge - VMT1 Room 142
Leica EM CPD300 Critical Point Dryer
Christ Alpha 2-4 Freeze Dryer
Labconco Freezone 2.5 Freeze Dryer
Modulyod Freeze Dryer
Niro Mobile Minor Spray Dryer
Electric Fusion Machines
Katanax X-300
Evaporator for Deposition of Metal Thin Films
Rotavapor Büchi R-210 VMT1 Room 313
Rotavapor Büchi R210 VMT1 Room 147
Soxhlet Extractor Lenz & Cole-Parmer VMT1 Room 143 Left Side
Soxhlet Extractor Lenz & Cole-Parmer VMT1 Room 143 Right Side
Soxhlet Extractor Lenz & Cole-Parmer VMT1 Room 234 Student
Alfa Laval LAbStak M20-0.72 Membrane Filtration Unit
Microwave Digestation
Speedwave XPERT Microwave Pressure Digestion System
Research vehicle
FordFocus research vehicle
Lexus research vehicle
Toyota Land Cruiser Instrumented research vehicle
VW Caravelle
VW Caravelle2
Ford Grand Tourneo Connect
Ford Transit Connect
X-Ray Methods
X-Ray Diffraction
PANalytical X`Pert Powder XRD (alpha-1)
PANalytical X`Pert Pro MPD Powder
PANalytical X`Pert XRR/GIXRD
X-Ray Fluorescence
PANalytical (WD)XRF Axios mAX
X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Kratos Axis Ultra ESCA - NMC
X-Ray Scattering
Bruker Microstar Small-angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) - NMC
Bruker Microstar Wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) - NMC
Rigaku SmartLab X-ray diffractometer (XRD) - NMC
Xenocs SAXS
Research Infrastructure Booking System
Please select an infrastructure:
Aalto Electronics-ICT (AELICT)
Aalto NeuroImaging research infrastructure (ANI)
Department of Applied Physics (PHYS)
Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering (NBE)
Industry & Innovation Infrastructure (i3)
Metsähovi Radio Observatory (MRO)
OtaNano Low Temperature Laboratory (LTL)
OtaNano Nanomicroscopy Center (NMC)
School of Chemical Engineering (CHEM)